Project number is: 2022-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000094509
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.he project is co-financed by the EU. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author or the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). European Union neither EACEA is not responsible for them.
All results developed as part of the “Green Leader” project are made available under open licenses (CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED). They can be used free of charge and without restrictions. Copying or processing these materials in whole or in part without the author’s consent is prohibited. If the results are used, it is necessary to provide the source of funding and its authors.

Green Leader – our new challenge!
We are happy to announced that we have just started the first our project under the Erasmus+ Programme. The leader of the project is Green Industry Foundation from Warsaw, the project title is “Green Leader”.
The aim of the project is to establish cooperation between partners, exchange good practices in the field of adult education and solutions in the green area. Development of the Green Leader program and multimedia materials to strengthen partners in the area of workshops for adults. The project will allow the partners to expand their activities. As part of the project, we will undertake the following activities: workshops of international experts, exchange of good practices, expanding knowledge and experience in the area of the Green Leader’s competence, creating and producing educational and multimedia materials for adults who want to become leaders in the green area, strengthening relations with stakeholders, testing the developed solutions, promoting and disseminating the developed solutions.
- 3 expert workshops,
- 1 “Green Leader” programme
- 10 educational scenarios, 100 worksheets
- 10 podcasts, 10 animations/videos, 10 multimedia presentations
- 1 pilot workshop for 10 adults, etc.
- increasing partners’ knowledge in the field of methods of working with adults
- increasing knowledge in the field of Scandinavian solutions in working with adults in the project areas
- strengthening the partners’ offer
- increasing knowledge about the Erasmus+ Program
- improving the image of partners in local communitie
All products will be in Polish, English and some of them in Finnish. We will be presenting our efforts!
Project number is: 2022-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000094509.
Results under task 1: “Green Leader Program”:
Project products – first part of partners good practice:
Polish version: 1-10
Project products – first part of partners good practice:
English version: 1-10
Listen to all of our english podcasts on Spotify
Here we present our polish podcasts:
Graphics for the campaign in the project
Here we have the next promotion baner of our project:
Finland – the green LEADER
Seminar “Green Leader”
“Exploring Traditional Leadership vs. Green Leadership: A Comparative Overview”
How Over-Consumption Affects Climate Change: Unveiling the Connection
Green leaders in the fight against climate change