Snowman World Rovaniemi

Where Winter Dreams and Husky Adventures Come to Life

Snowman World Rovaniemi: Where Winter Dreams and Husky Adventures Come to Life

When we think of Lapland, the northern lights, Santa Claus and… reindeer undoubtedly come to mind! These mysterious creatures play an important role in the culture, traditions and life of the Sami people. In this article we will take you on a journey to the fascinating world of reindeer in Lapland.

Lapland Reindeer: A Unique Breed

Reindeer, also known as poro in Sami, are a genus of deer specific to northern areas of Europe, including Lapland. They are characterized by a stocky body structure, antlers in both males and females, and thick fur that protects them from frosty winters.

Reindeer in Sámi Culture

For the Sámi, reindeer are not only farm animals, but also an integral part of culture and tradition. For centuries, these animals have been a source of meat, milk and skins, which helped people survive in harsh Arctic conditions.

Santa’s sleigh

Reindeer are also inextricably linked with the figure of Santa Claus. These are the animals that pull Santa’s sleigh as he delivers gifts to children around the world. At Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, you can even meet reindeer in person and take a sleigh ride led by these adorable creatures.

Reindeer Herding Traditions

Reindeer herding is an important activity in Lapland, and reindeer herders, known as poromiehet, have their traditions and skills passed down from generation to generation. Reindeer are raised for meat, leather and dairy products. Breeders take care of their herds all year round, ensuring they are properly cared for.

Reindeer in Tourism

Thanks to the growing popularity of Lapland as a tourist destination, reindeer have also become an attraction for travelers. Reindeer sleigh tours are an unforgettable experience that allows you to get to know these animals up close and participate in traditional Lappish activities.


Reindeer are not only symbols of Lapland, but also an important element of the life and culture of this region. Their role in breeding, the legend of pulling Santa’s sleigh and their growing popularity as a tourist attraction make them an integral part of Lapland. For anyone traveling to this magical land, meeting reindeer is an unforgettable experience and a chance to learn about the richness of tradition and history of this fascinating region.
And the best way to travel around this land is by dog ​​sledding. So take advantage of our offer as soon as possible!

And remember: if Baba Husky had been operating for a long time, Santa Claus would probably use our dog sleds 🙂

Husky Sledding Rovaniemi: An Unforgettable Adventure